General Meeting Summary 10/27/14

Post date: Nov 02, 2014 4:34:26 AM


- Polos

- Events

- Future Leadership and Mentorship Program

- Teach for America


WOMEN - if you placed an order a while ago, you put a size down in respects to the men's polo. Please update your size accordingly since we have a women's polo. However, if you want to keep the same size in respects to the men's polo, no need to change anything.

I barely ordered any extra because I didn't want to have a bunch of them sitting around. That being said, if you did not order one and would still like one, you will have to wait to reach a minimum of 24 confirmed buyers before an order can be placed.

Payment is due for those who ordered one and will be collected next week, Nov. 3 to Nov 6. Please bring it by the PTS room to either the President, External VP, or Internal VP and make sure you obtain a receipt as well. The price is $25. Cash preferred. Make checks payable to Pi Tau Sigma.


PTS 100th National Convention

  • It will be in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois and held at the University of Illinois. The event will be from Thursday to Sunday, 2/26/15 - 3/1/15.

  • There will be one stipend of about $400 dollars that will help a student pay for the expenses. If more students go, the more that stipend will be diluted, but room will be cheaper.

  • This will be a great opportunity to network with students in the top 25% of Mechanical Engineers from around the country, industry professionals, and different successful leaders.

    • There is word that there might be different workshops that you can attend and job interviews as well. If you aren't stuck in living in California, you can pursue jobs outside of the state to potentially have a higher chance in landing a job.

  • Brian Ngo, External VP, will be sending out an email to see who is interested. Up to now, there has been about 4 people who want to go. Don't pass up this opportunity to travel and network with some of the smartest people in engineering.

  • RSVPs will need to be done by December 1st.

Mock interviews

  • Unfortunately, logistics did not work out and we will not be holding mock interviews in November anymore. We were not able to obtain the contact list of professionals. However, MAES will still be doing theirs in the Spring.

Toast Masters

  • This will be planned for early Spring so it could help everyone build some confidence in speaking in front of crowds and interviewing for the Spring Job fair and MAES mock interviews.

Capture the Flag

  • Capture the flag will be planned for Nov 13th with Chi Epsilon, IEEE, ASCE, and Tau Beta Pi. More information to come but alumni and faculty are encouraged to come. It will be on a Thursday from 5-8 PM. Pizza might be provided.

Humans vs Zombies

  • This is a big event that PTS holds annually that is a game of tag with humans vs. zombies.

  • We will be trying to do this campus wide.

  • Biggest issue is having accountability on who is alive, dead, human, or zombie. I'm thinking of a network database to do the work for us with the Pi Tau room being home base. Any suggestions will be helpful.